Social Media Managment


Initial consultation
Custom social media profile page
Upload custom images/logo
Social media profile optimization
Business description and information
Weekly engagement with your customers and followers
❌ Brand awareness.
Facebook Fan Page Creation
❌ Facebook Profile Avatar Design
❌ Facebook Timeline Design
❌ Facebook Apps Integration
Twitter Page Creation
❌ Twitter Background Design
Google my business optimization
Linkedin Account (Personal profile)
❌ Profile Keyword Optimization/
Weekly Updates
Youtube Channel Creation
❌ Youtube Background Design
❌ Hashtag research. Regularly updated.
Keyword Research/Tagging Research.
❌ Integrate website and social media profiles.
❌ Build links to and from website with posts.
2 interesting and relevant shares/posts per platform, weekly, of curated content, original content provided by client, testimonials, some original content created by us. (total 24 shares/posts a month and occasionally more depending on campaign).
5 original content post monthly shared
Insight Analysis
Monthly reporting
❌ Monitoring of social media profile/customer inquiries and relations.
❌ Pixel Integration | $200
❌ Google Analytics implementation | $200

199$ / Month


Initial consultation
Custom social media profile page
Upload custom images/logo
Social media profile optimization
Business description and information.
Weekly engagement with your customers and followers
❌ Brand awareness.
Facebook Fan Page Creation
Facebook Profile Avatar Design
❌ Facebook Timeline Design
❌ Facebook Apps Integration
Twitter Page Creation
Twitter Background Design
Google my business optimization
Linkedin Account (Business)
❌ Profile Keyword Optimization Weekly Updates
Youtube Channel Creation
Youtube Background Design
Hashtag research. Regularly updated.
Keyword Research/Tagging Research.
Integrate website and social media profiles.
❌ Build links to and from website with posts.
4 interesting and relevant shares/posts per platform, weekly, of curated content, original content provided by client, testimonials, some original content created by us. (total 48 shares/posts a month and occasionally more depending on campaign).
10 original content post monthly shared
Insight Analysis
Monthly reporting
Monitoring of social media profile/customer inquiries and relations.
❌ Pixel Integration | $200
❌ Google Analytics implementation | $200

299$ / Month


Initial consultation
Custom social media profile page
Upload custom images/logo
Social media profile optimization
Business description and information.
Weekly engagement with your customers and followers
Brand awareness.
Facebook Fan Page Creation
Facebook Profile Avatar Design
Facebook Timeline Design
Facebook Apps Integration
Twitter Page Creation
Twitter Background Design
Google my business optimization
Linkedin Account (Business)
Profile Keyword Optimization/ Weekly Updates
Youtube Channel Creation
Youtube Background Design
Hashtag research. Regularly updated.
Keyword Research/Tagging Research.
Integrate website and social media profiles.
Build links to and from website with posts.
6 interesting and relevant shares/posts per platform, weekly, of curated content, original content provided by client, testimonials, some original content created by us. (total 64 shares/posts a month and occasionally more depending on campaign).
15 original content post monthly shared
Insight Analysis
Monthly reporting
Monitoring of social media profile/customer inquiries and relations.
Pixel Integration | $200
Google Analytics implementation | $200

359$ / Month